Facebook download new version jar

You're looking to download the latest version of Facebook's Android app in a JAR (Java Archive) format!

Unfortunately, Facebook's official Android app is not available in a JAR format. The app is a native Android app, which means it's built using Java and other Android-specific technologies, and is distributed as an APK (Android Package File) file.

However, I can provide you with a few alternatives:

  1. APK download: You can download the latest version of Facebook's Android app from the Google Play Store or from Facebook's official website. The APK file can be installed on your Android device using the built-in package installer or a third-party APK installer app.
  2. Source code: If you're interested in building your own Facebook app or modifying the existing code, you can access Facebook's Android app source code on GitHub. However, please note that this is a large and complex codebase, and modifying it may require significant expertise and resources.
  3. Decompiled JAR: If you're looking for a decompiled version of Facebook's Android app in JAR format, you can try searching for "Facebook Android app decompiled JAR" on search engines or online archives. However, please be aware that decompiled code may not be up-to-date or accurate, and may not work as expected.

Remember to always download apps and files from trusted sources to ensure your device's security and integrity.