Lagos government to arrest uniform men in commercial motorcycle operations

It appears that the Lagos State Government has announced plans to arrest uniformed men found operating commercial motorcycles, also known as okada, in the state.

According to reports, the government has given a 14-day ultimatum to uniformed men, including military and paramilitary personnel, to stop operating okada in the state. The government has warned that anyone found violating this directive will be arrested and prosecuted.

The decision is reportedly aimed at maintaining law and order in the state, as well as preventing the use of okada by uniformed men for unofficial purposes.

It's worth noting that the use of okada by uniformed men has been a long-standing issue in Lagos, with many residents expressing concerns about the safety and security implications of such practices.

The Lagos State Government has been taking steps to regulate the use of okada in the state, including the introduction of a new law that prohibits the operation of okada in certain areas of the state.

It will be interesting to see how this development unfolds and whether the government is able to effectively enforce this directive.

Do you have any thoughts on this development?