Faac news

FAAC (Federazione Italiana Associazioni di Assistenza ai Ciechi e Non Vedenti) is an Italian organization that provides assistance and support to people with visual impairments. Here are some recent news and updates from FAAC:

Recent News

  1. New Accessibility Standards: FAAC has welcomed the introduction of new accessibility standards in Italy, which aim to improve the accessibility of public spaces, transportation, and digital services for people with disabilities.
  2. Increased Funding for Assistive Technology: FAAC has secured additional funding to support the development and distribution of assistive technology devices, such as braille displays and screen readers, to individuals with visual impairments.
  3. Advocacy for Inclusive Education: FAAC has been advocating for inclusive education policies in Italy, pushing for greater accessibility and support for students with visual impairments in schools.

Upcoming Events

  1. International Day of Persons with Disabilities: FAAC will be participating in the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3rd, which aims to raise awareness about the rights and needs of people with disabilities.
  2. National Conference on Visual Impairment: FAAC will be hosting a national conference on visual impairment in January, featuring expert speakers and workshops on topics such as assistive technology, accessibility, and independent living.

Recent Research and Studies

  1. Study on Visual Impairment and Employment: FAAC has published a study on the employment rates of individuals with visual impairments in Italy, highlighting the need for greater support and accommodations in the workplace.
  2. Research on Assistive Technology: FAAC has collaborated with researchers to study the effectiveness of assistive technology devices in improving the daily lives of individuals with visual impairments.

These are just a few examples of the news and updates from FAAC. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend visiting their website or following them on social media for the latest information on their work and initiatives.