Exams news 2018

Here are some notable exam-related news stories from 2018:

1. Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) introduces new grading system: In January 2018, CIE announced that it would be introducing a new grading system, replacing the A*-E grading scale with a 9-1 scale. The change aimed to provide more nuanced feedback to students.

2. IB Diploma Programme changes: The International Baccalaureate (IB) introduced changes to its Diploma Programme in 2018, including a new grading scale and a revised curriculum. The changes aimed to better prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century.

3. SAT scores plummet in the US: In March 2018, it was reported that SAT scores in the United States had plummeted to their lowest levels in over 40 years. The decline was attributed to changes in the test's format and the increasing difficulty of the exam.

4. UK A-levels: Changes to grading system: In August 2018, the UK's Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) announced changes to the A-level grading system. The changes aimed to reduce grade inflation and provide a more accurate reflection of students' abilities.

5. India's NEET exam controversy: In May 2018, India's National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) exam was marred by controversy after several students reported receiving incorrect answers on their answer sheets. The incident led to widespread protests and calls for the exam to be scrapped.

6. China's Gaokao exam reform: In September 2018, China announced plans to reform its Gaokao exam, which is used to determine university admissions. The changes aimed to reduce the emphasis on rote memorization and encourage more critical thinking and creativity.

7. US college admissions scandal: In March 2018, a college admissions scandal was uncovered in the United States, involving wealthy parents and college coaches who were accused of bribing officials to secure admission for their children to top universities.

8. Australia's HSC exam controversy: In October 2018, Australia's Higher School Certificate (HSC) exam was marred by controversy after several students reported receiving incorrect answers on their answer sheets. The incident led to calls for the exam to be re-marked.

9. India's JEE exam controversy: In April 2018, India's Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) exam was marred by controversy after several students reported receiving incorrect answers on their answer sheets. The incident led to widespread protests and calls for the exam to be scrapped.

10. UK GCSEs: Changes to grading system: In August 2018, the UK's Ofqual announced changes to the GCSE grading system, which aimed to reduce grade inflation and provide a more accurate reflection of students' abilities.

These are just a few of the notable exam-related news stories from 2018.