Solskjaer responds to coronavirus threat football without fans is nothing

Here's a potential response from Ole Gunnar Solskjaer:

"Football without fans is nothing. It's as simple as that. The energy, the passion, the atmosphere - it's all part of what makes our sport so special. And right now, with the threat of coronavirus looming, it's more important than ever that we prioritize the safety and well-being of our fans.

As a player, I remember the thrill of playing in front of a packed Old Trafford, the roar of the crowd, the sense of being part of something bigger than ourselves. And as a manager, I've seen firsthand how the absence of fans can affect the game. It's like a different sport altogether.

But we can't let fear and uncertainty dictate our actions. We have to find a way to adapt, to innovate, and to keep the game going. And that means finding ways to keep our fans engaged, even if they can't be with us in person.

So, we'll do everything we can to make sure that our fans are still part of the game, even if they're not in the stands. We'll use social media, we'll use technology, and we'll use our platforms to keep them connected to the game. Because at the end of the day, football is about the fans, and we owe it to them to keep them involved.

And who knows? Maybe this crisis will bring us closer together, as fans and players, as a community. Maybe it'll remind us of what's truly important - the love of the game, the passion of the fans, and the joy of being part of something bigger than ourselves.

So, let's not let fear win. Let's find a way to keep the game going, and to keep our fans at the heart of it all. Because, as I said, football without fans is nothing."