Exam malpratice waec threaten to cancel result of candidate caught with phone

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article about the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) threatening to cancel the results of candidates caught using their phones during an exam.

For those who may not be aware, WAEC has strict rules against the use of electronic devices during exams, as it can lead to cheating and undermine the integrity of the examination process. In recent years, there have been several instances where candidates have been caught using their phones during exams, which has led to disciplinary action being taken against them.

According to reports, WAEC has now threatened to cancel the results of candidates who are caught using their phones during the ongoing exams. This is a serious warning, as it means that the candidate's entire exam result could be nullified, and they may have to retake the exam.

It's worth noting that WAEC has implemented various measures to prevent cheating, including the use of biometric technology to verify the identities of candidates and the use of CCTV cameras to monitor the exam halls. Despite these efforts, some candidates still find ways to cheat, which is why WAEC is taking a tough stance on those who are caught.

It's important for candidates to understand that cheating is a serious offense and can have serious consequences. It's also important for parents and guardians to educate their children about the importance of academic integrity and the consequences of cheating.

Do you have any thoughts on this issue? Should WAEC be taking a tougher stance on cheating, or is there a need for more support and guidance for students who may be struggling with the exam process?