Ex trying to make me jealous with new girlfriend

The classic "ex trying to make you jealous" move!

It's not uncommon for an ex to try to make you feel jealous or insecure after a breakup, especially if they're not over you or are trying to get back together. Here are some signs that your ex might be trying to make you jealous with their new girlfriend:

  1. Constant updates: They're posting about their new relationship on social media, sharing photos and stories about their new partner, and making sure you see them.
  2. Public displays of affection: They're showing off their new relationship in public, holding hands, kissing, or even posting about their romantic getaways.
  3. Comparing you to their new partner: They're making subtle (or not-so-subtle) comparisons between you and their new girlfriend, implying that their new partner is better or more deserving of their love.
  4. Trying to get a reaction: They're doing things specifically to get a reaction out of you, like posting a photo of their new partner with a caption like "Just had the best day with my new love" or "Can't believe how lucky I am to have found someone like her."
  5. Seeking validation: They're seeking validation and attention from you, even if it's just a like or a comment on their social media posts.

If you're feeling jealous or insecure, here are some tips to help you cope:

  1. Take a step back: Recognize that your ex's behavior is not about you, but about their own insecurities and need for attention.
  2. Focus on yourself: Channel your energy into self-care, hobbies, and spending time with friends and family who support and uplift you.
  3. Don't engage: Avoid responding to their posts or engaging with them in any way. This will only give them the attention they're seeking.
  4. Practice self-compassion: Remind yourself that you're worthy of love and respect, and that your ex's behavior is not a reflection of your worth.
  5. Move on: Focus on moving forward and finding happiness with someone who truly cares about you.

Remember, you deserve better than someone who tries to make you feel jealous or insecure.