Ewtn news nightly today

Here is the latest news from EWTN News Nightly for today:

Top Stories

  1. Pope Francis Appoints New Archbishop of Philadelphia: Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Nelson J. Perez as the new Archbishop of Philadelphia, succeeding Archbishop Charles J. Chaput. Perez, 58, has been the Bishop of Cleveland since 2017.
  2. Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Issues New Document on Euthanasia: The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has issued a new document emphasizing the Church's opposition to euthanasia and assisted suicide. The document, titled "Note on Euthanasia," was released on the 40th anniversary of the Church's teaching on the matter.
  3. US Bishops' Conference Meets to Discuss Abortion and Religious Liberty: The US Bishops' Conference is holding its spring general assembly in Baltimore, where they will discuss issues such as abortion, religious liberty, and the Church's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

International News

  1. Pope Francis Meets with Ukrainian President: Pope Francis met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the Vatican, where they discussed the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine and the need for peace and dialogue.
  2. Vatican and China Sign Agreement on Bishop Appointments: The Vatican and China have signed an agreement on the appointment of bishops in China, which is seen as a major step forward in improving relations between the two countries.
  3. Pope Francis Meets with Iraqi Prime Minister: Pope Francis met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi at the Vatican, where they discussed the situation in Iraq and the need for peace and stability in the region.

Other News

  1. US Catholic Bishops Elect New President: The US Catholic Bishops' Conference has elected Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles as its new president, succeeding Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York.
  2. Vatican Museums Reopen After Renovations: The Vatican Museums have reopened after a major renovation project, which included the restoration of several iconic works of art and the creation of new exhibits.
  3. Pope Francis Celebrates Mass for World Day of the Sick: Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Vatican to mark the World Day of the Sick, which is observed on February 11.