Ewtn news nightly podcast

The EWTN News Nightly podcast is a daily news podcast produced by EWTN News, a global Catholic news organization. The podcast provides in-depth coverage of Catholic news, events, and issues from around the world.

Here are some key features of the EWTN News Nightly podcast:

  1. Daily updates: The podcast is released daily, providing listeners with the latest news and updates on Catholic news, events, and issues.
  2. In-depth reporting: The podcast features in-depth reporting and analysis on a wide range of topics, including Vatican news, Catholic Church news, and global events.
  3. Interviews with experts: The podcast often features interviews with experts and newsmakers, providing listeners with unique insights and perspectives on the latest news and issues.
  4. Coverage of major events: The podcast provides comprehensive coverage of major Catholic events, such as papal visits, synods, and ecumenical gatherings.
  5. Analysis and commentary: The podcast features analysis and commentary from EWTN News experts and contributors, providing listeners with a deeper understanding of the news and its implications.

Some of the topics that the EWTN News Nightly podcast covers include:

The EWTN News Nightly podcast is a great resource for anyone interested in staying up-to-date on Catholic news and issues. It's available on popular podcast platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.