Ewtn news inc

EWTN News Inc. is a global Catholic news organization that provides news, analysis, and commentary on Catholic Church and world events. Here are some key facts about EWTN News Inc.:

History: EWTN News Inc. was founded in 1995 as a subsidiary of Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), a global Catholic television network. The news organization was established to provide in-depth coverage of Catholic news and events.

Mission: The mission of EWTN News Inc. is to provide accurate, balanced, and comprehensive reporting on Catholic news and events, as well as to promote a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and its teachings.

News coverage: EWTN News Inc. covers a wide range of topics, including:

Media outlets: EWTN News Inc. produces news content for various media outlets, including:

Journalists and contributors: EWTN News Inc. has a team of experienced journalists and contributors who provide news coverage and analysis from around the world. The organization also partners with other Catholic news organizations and media outlets to provide comprehensive coverage of Catholic news and events.

Awards and recognition: EWTN News Inc. has received numerous awards and recognition for its news coverage, including several Emmy Awards, Gabriel Awards, and Catholic Press Association Awards.

Overall, EWTN News Inc. is a trusted source of Catholic news and information, providing in-depth coverage of Catholic Church and world events to a global audience.