Lupita nyongo narrates encounter harvey weinstein

Lupita Nyong'o has spoken publicly about her encounter with Harvey Weinstein, which she described as a traumatic and disturbing experience. Here is a summary of her account:

In an op-ed published in The New York Times in January 2018, Nyong'o wrote about the encounter, which took place in 2011. She was 30 years old at the time and had just won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her role in "12 Years a Slave."

Nyong'o wrote that she had been invited to a meeting with Weinstein at the Savoy Hotel in London, where he was staying. She had been told that he wanted to discuss a potential project with her, but when she arrived at the hotel, she found that she was the only one there.

Weinstein, who was then 63 years old, greeted her warmly and asked her to sit down. He then began to make inappropriate comments about her body and her appearance, telling her that she was "exotic" and that he loved her "curvy" figure. Nyong'o wrote that she felt uncomfortable and tried to leave, but Weinstein blocked her path and continued to make advances.

Nyong'o wrote that she was "petrified" and felt like she was "in a nightmare" during the encounter. She said that she was able to escape by pretending to receive a phone call and making an excuse to leave.

After the encounter, Nyong'o wrote that she felt "shaken" and "traumatized" by the experience. She said that she had never spoken about it publicly before because she was afraid of being judged or blamed for what had happened.

Nyong'o's account of her encounter with Weinstein was widely shared and sparked a wave of outrage and support for her. It also helped to fuel the #MeToo movement, which has seen thousands of people come forward to share their own stories of sexual harassment and assault.

In the aftermath of her op-ed, Nyong'o has spoken publicly about the importance of speaking out against sexual harassment and assault, and has used her platform to support other survivors of abuse.