Evans recent news

Evans is a surname that can refer to many individuals, so it's possible that you're referring to a specific person or group of people. Here are a few recent news stories that mention the name Evans:

  1. Chris Evans: The actor, known for his roles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and other films, has been in the news recently for his comments on social media. In a recent interview, he spoke out against the use of social media platforms to spread misinformation and hate speech.
  2. Mike Evans: The NFL wide receiver, who plays for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, has been in the news recently for his impressive performances on the field. He was named the NFL's Player of the Week for Week 10 of the 2022 season.
  3. Sara Evans: The country music singer-songwriter has been in the news recently for her new album, "Copy That." The album features a mix of original songs and covers of classic country hits.
  4. Malcolm Evans: The British businessman and entrepreneur has been in the news recently for his involvement in a high-profile business deal. He is the CEO of a company that specializes in renewable energy solutions.

These are just a few examples of recent news stories that mention the name Evans. If you're looking for more specific information, please let me know and I'll do my best to help.