Evans escape news

You're referring to the Evans' Escape News!

For those who may not know, the Evans' Escape refers to the daring escape of two prisoners, Frank and Jesse Evans, from the notorious Yuma Territorial Prison in Arizona, USA, on December 18, 1900.

Here's a brief summary of the news:

The Escape

Frank and Jesse Evans, both notorious outlaws, had been imprisoned at Yuma Territorial Prison for several years. On the night of December 18, 1900, they managed to escape by digging a tunnel through the prison walls. The tunnel was approximately 20 feet long and took them about 2 hours to complete.

The Aftermath

The escape was discovered the next morning, and a massive manhunt was launched to recapture the Evans brothers. The brothers were eventually tracked down and recaptured on January 3, 1901, in a small town in California. Frank was returned to Yuma Prison, while Jesse was taken to a prison in Arizona.

The Legacy

The Evans' Escape remains one of the most famous prison breaks in American history, and it has been the subject of numerous books, films, and documentaries. The escape has also been immortalized in popular culture, with references in TV shows, movies, and music.

If you're interested in learning more about the Evans' Escape, I recommend checking out some of the resources available online, such as books, articles, and documentaries.