Evangelistbee new prayer points

Here are some new prayer points for evangelism and outreach:

Prayer Points for Evangelism

  1. Pray for the lost: Pray for those who are far from God, that they may come to know Him and experience His love.
  2. Pray for boldness: Pray for believers to be bold and courageous in sharing the Gospel with others.
  3. Pray for opportunities: Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel with others, whether through conversations, events, or online platforms.
  4. Pray for clarity: Pray for clarity in communicating the Gospel message, that it may be understood and received by those who hear it.
  5. Pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance: Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and empower believers as they share the Gospel with others.
  6. Pray for the fruit of evangelism: Pray that the fruit of evangelism may be evident in the lives of those who receive the Gospel, including repentance, faith, and obedience.
  7. Pray for the church's role: Pray for the church to play a vital role in evangelism, both locally and globally.
  8. Pray for the media: Pray for the media to be used as a tool for evangelism, whether through television, radio, social media, or other platforms.
  9. Pray for the unreached: Pray for the unreached people groups around the world, that they may hear the Gospel and respond to it.
  10. Pray for the harvest: Pray for the harvest of souls, that many may come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Prayer Points for Outreach

  1. Pray for community outreach: Pray for opportunities to serve and minister to the community, whether through food banks, clothing drives, or other outreach initiatives.
  2. Pray for neighborhood outreach: Pray for opportunities to reach out to those in your neighborhood, whether through door-to-door evangelism or other outreach efforts.
  3. Pray for online outreach: Pray for opportunities to reach out to others online, whether through social media, email, or other digital platforms.
  4. Pray for event outreach: Pray for opportunities to reach out to others through events, such as concerts, festivals, or other gatherings.
  5. Pray for partnership outreach: Pray for opportunities to partner with other churches, organizations, or individuals to reach out to others.
  6. Pray for the needs of others: Pray for the needs of others, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, that you may be able to serve and minister to them.
  7. Pray for the church's role in outreach: Pray for the church to play a vital role in outreach, both locally and globally.
  8. Pray for the unreached: Pray for the unreached people groups around the world, that they may hear the Gospel and respond to it.
  9. Pray for the harvest: Pray for the harvest of souls, that many may come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
  10. Pray for the Holy Spirit's guidance: Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and empower believers as they engage in outreach and evangelism.

I hope these prayer points are helpful! Remember to pray regularly and consistently for evangelism and outreach, and to trust in God's sovereignty and power to bring about the harvest of souls.