Estonian education news

Here are some recent news and updates on education in Estonia:


  1. Estonia to introduce new curriculum for primary and secondary education: The Estonian Ministry of Education and Research has announced plans to introduce a new curriculum for primary and secondary education, focusing on skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. (Source: ERR News)
  2. Estonia's education system ranked 4th in the world: According to the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2018 results, Estonia's education system has been ranked 4th in the world, with students performing well in reading, mathematics, and science. (Source: OECD)
  3. Estonia to increase funding for vocational education: The Estonian government has announced plans to increase funding for vocational education and training, aiming to provide more opportunities for young people to acquire practical skills and enter the labor market. (Source: Baltic Times)
  4. Tallinn University of Technology launches new master's program in digital education: The Tallinn University of Technology has launched a new master's program in digital education, focusing on the design and implementation of digital learning environments. (Source: Tallinn University of Technology)
  5. Estonia's e-schools to expand to more regions: The Estonian Ministry of Education and Research has announced plans to expand the country's e-schools to more regions, providing more students with access to online education. (Source: ERR News)

Trends and Initiatives

  1. Digitalization of education: Estonia has been at the forefront of digitalization in education, with a focus on online learning platforms, digital resources, and e-schools. This trend is expected to continue, with more emphasis on personalized learning and AI-powered education.
  2. Vocational education and training: Estonia is placing a strong emphasis on vocational education and training, recognizing the importance of providing young people with practical skills and preparing them for the labor market.
  3. Internationalization of education: Estonia is actively promoting international cooperation in education, with partnerships with universities and institutions around the world. This trend is expected to continue, with more emphasis on student mobility and international collaboration.
  4. Focus on STEM education: Estonia is placing a strong emphasis on STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), recognizing the importance of these subjects in the modern economy.
  5. Inclusive education: Estonia is committed to providing inclusive education, with a focus on supporting students with special needs and promoting diversity and inclusion in education.

Upcoming Events

  1. Estonian Education and Research Forum: The Estonian Education and Research Forum will take place in Tallinn on November 20-21, 2023, bringing together education professionals, researchers, and policymakers to discuss the latest trends and developments in education.
  2. Estonian Vocational Education and Training Fair: The Estonian Vocational Education and Training Fair will take place in Tallinn on March 12-14, 2024, showcasing the latest developments in vocational education and training in Estonia.
  3. International Conference on Education and Technology: The International Conference on Education and Technology will take place in Tallinn on June 10-12, 2024, bringing together education professionals and researchers from around the world to discuss the latest trends and developments in education and technology.

I hope this information is helpful!