New bournvita

You're referring to the new Bournvita variant!

Bournvita is a popular malted chocolate drink mix in India, and Nestle, the manufacturer, has been introducing new flavors and variants over the years to keep the brand fresh and exciting.

Some of the new Bournvita variants that have been launched recently include:

  1. Bournvita Chocolatey: This variant has a richer, creamier chocolate flavor profile compared to the original Bournvita.
  2. Bournvita Caramel: This variant has a sweet and sticky caramel flavor added to the classic Bournvita recipe.
  3. Bournvita Hazelnut: This variant has a nutty and aromatic hazelnut flavor added to the mix.
  4. Bournvita Limited Edition Flavors: Nestle has been releasing limited-edition flavors of Bournvita, such as Strawberry, Orange, and Mint, which are available for a limited time only.

These new variants are designed to appeal to a wider range of consumers, including those who prefer stronger chocolate flavors or unique flavor combinations.

Are you excited to try any of these new Bournvita variants?