Esau katherine 1965 plant anatomy 2nd ed wiley new york

A classic!

The book you're referring to is:

"Plant Anatomy" by Esau, Katherine (1965) 2nd edition, published by Wiley, New York.

Katherine Esau (1898-1997) was a renowned American botanist and plant anatomist. Her book "Plant Anatomy" is a comprehensive and authoritative textbook that has been widely used in botany and plant biology courses for many years.

The 2nd edition, published in 1965, is a significant update to the original 1953 edition. It covers the fundamental principles of plant anatomy, including the structure and development of plant cells, tissues, and organs, as well as the relationships between plant anatomy and physiology.

The book is known for its clear and concise writing style, accompanied by detailed illustrations and photographs that help students visualize the complex structures and processes of plant anatomy.

"Plant Anatomy" by Esau remains a classic in the field and is still widely used today, although newer editions have been published since the 1965 edition.