Tb joshua latest news today

Here are the latest news updates on T.B. Joshua:

Recent News

  1. T.B. Joshua's Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCA) Reopens: After a two-year closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SCA has reopened its doors to worshippers. The church's management announced that all necessary precautions would be taken to ensure the safety of attendees. (Source: Vanguard News)
  2. T.B. Joshua's Prophecy on COVID-19: In a recent sermon, T.B. Joshua prophesied about the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that it was a "test" from God to see how people would respond. He also predicted that the virus would soon disappear. (Source: The Punch)
  3. T.B. Joshua's Philanthropic Efforts: The cleric has been involved in various philanthropic activities, including providing aid to victims of natural disasters and supporting education and healthcare initiatives. Recently, he donated food items and other relief materials to victims of flooding in Nigeria. (Source: Leadership Newspaper)
  4. T.B. Joshua's Controversy over COVID-19 Vaccine: T.B. Joshua has been criticized for his stance on the COVID-19 vaccine, saying that it is not necessary for everyone to take it. He has also claimed that the vaccine is not effective against the virus. (Source: The Cable)

Recent Quotes

  1. "The COVID-19 pandemic is a test from God to see how people will respond. It's a wake-up call for humanity to come back to God." - T.B. Joshua (Source: The Punch)
  2. "I'm not against the vaccine, but I'm saying it's not necessary for everyone to take it. The vaccine is not effective against the virus." - T.B. Joshua (Source: The Cable)

Recent Videos

  1. T.B. Joshua's Prophecy on COVID-19: Watch T.B. Joshua's recent sermon where he prophesied about the COVID-19 pandemic. (Source: Emmanuel TV)
  2. T.B. Joshua's Philanthropic Efforts: Watch a video showcasing T.B. Joshua's philanthropic efforts, including his donation to victims of flooding in Nigeria. (Source: Synagogue Church of All Nations)

Please note that the accuracy and reliability of online news sources may vary. It's always a good idea to verify information through multiple sources before accepting it as true.