Es6 what's new

ES6, also known as ECMAScript 2015, introduced several new features and improvements to the JavaScript language. Here are some of the most notable ones:


  1. Let and Const: Introduced let and const keywords to declare variables with block scope.
  2. Arrow Functions: Simplified function declarations with arrow syntax (=>).
  3. Classes: Introduced classes, which are a more traditional way of defining objects.
  4. Template Literals: Improved string interpolation with template literals (`` `).
  5. Destructuring: Simplified object and array destructuring with syntax like const { a, b } = obj.

Variables and Data Types

  1. Symbol: Introduced Symbol primitive type for creating unique identifiers.
  2. Map and Set: Introduced Map and Set data structures for working with key-value pairs and collections.
  3. Proxy: Introduced Proxy object for creating proxy objects that can intercept and modify operations.


  1. Default Parameters: Allowed specifying default values for function parameters.
  2. Rest Parameters: Introduced ... syntax for capturing multiple arguments in a function.
  3. Spread Syntax: Introduced ... syntax for spreading arrays and objects in function calls.

Object-Oriented Programming

  1. Classes: Introduced classes, which are a more traditional way of defining objects.
  2. Inheritance: Introduced inheritance for classes.
  3. Getters and Setters: Introduced getters and setters for objects.

Error Handling

  1. Try-Catch: Improved error handling with try-catch blocks.
  2. Promise: Introduced Promise object for handling asynchronous operations.


  1. Async/Await: Introduced async and await keywords for writing asynchronous code that's easier to read.
  2. Generators: Introduced Generator functions for creating iterators.
  3. Modules: Introduced import and export statements for importing and exporting modules.
  4. Type Annotations: Introduced type annotations for specifying the types of variables, function parameters, and return types.

These are just some of the many new features and improvements introduced in ES6. If you're interested in learning more, I recommend checking out the official ECMAScript 2015 specification or a comprehensive guide like "ES6 in Depth" by Kyle Simpson.