Tag football

Tag football, also known as "tag" or "touch football," is a variation of American football that is played without tackling or physical contact. Instead, players are "tagged" or "tackled" by grabbing onto another player's jersey or flag.

Here are some key rules and characteristics of tag football:

Objective: The objective of tag football is to score points by carrying or throwing the ball into the end zone of the opponent's field.

Gameplay: The game is played with two teams of equal numbers, usually 5-7 players per team. Each player wears a jersey or flag belt with a flag attached to it. The game starts with a kickoff, where one team kicks the ball to the other team.

Scoring: Points can be scored in several ways:

Tagging: When a player is tagged, they are considered "down" and must freeze in place until the play is over. If a player is holding the ball and is tagged, they must drop the ball and become a spectator for the remainder of the play.

Game duration: Games are typically divided into four quarters, each lasting 15-20 minutes.

Equipment: Players wear minimal equipment, including:

Benefits: Tag football is a great way to introduce children to the game of football in a safe and non-contact environment. It promotes physical activity, teamwork, and social skills while minimizing the risk of injury.

Variations: There are several variations of tag football, including:

Overall, tag football is a fun and accessible way to play football, promoting physical activity, teamwork, and social skills while minimizing the risk of injury.