Environmental news articles in africa 2018

Here are some environmental news articles from Africa in 2018:

  1. Kenya's Lake Turkana Faces Devastating Drought (January 2018)

A severe drought has hit Lake Turkana, one of Africa's largest lakes, threatening the livelihoods of thousands of people who depend on it for fishing and tourism. (Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation)

  1. South Africa's Cape Town on Brink of Water Crisis (February 2018)

Cape Town, South Africa's second-largest city, was on the brink of running out of water due to a severe drought, prompting the government to impose strict water restrictions. (Source: BBC News)

  1. Nigeria's Ogoniland Still Contaminated 25 Years After Oil Spill (March 2018)

A report by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) found that Nigeria's Ogoniland region was still heavily contaminated 25 years after a major oil spill by Royal Dutch Shell. (Source: The Guardian)

  1. Ethiopia's Omo River Dam Sparks Concerns Over Displacement and Environmental Impact (April 2018)

The construction of a dam on the Omo River in Ethiopia has sparked concerns over the displacement of thousands of people and the potential environmental impact on the region. (Source: Al Jazeera)

  1. Ghana's Forests Under Threat from Illegal Logging and Mining (May 2018)

Ghana's forests are under threat from illegal logging and mining, with the country losing an estimated 2% of its forest cover each year. (Source: The Africa Report)

  1. Kenya's Maasai Mara National Reserve Faces Drought and Human-Wildlife Conflict (June 2018)

The Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya was facing a severe drought, leading to human-wildlife conflict and threatening the livelihoods of local communities. (Source: The East African)

  1. South Africa's Climate Change Bill Passes into Law (July 2018)

South Africa's Climate Change Bill, which aims to reduce the country's greenhouse gas emissions, passed into law, marking a significant step towards addressing climate change in the country. (Source: News24)

  1. Egypt's Nile River Faces Pollution and Over-Extraction (August 2018)

The Nile River, which is the lifeblood of Egypt, is facing pollution and over-extraction, threatening the country's water security and food production. (Source: The Cairo Post)

  1. Tanzania's Serengeti National Park Faces Threats from Human-Wildlife Conflict and Climate Change (September 2018)

Tanzania's Serengeti National Park, home to the Great Migration, is facing threats from human-wildlife conflict and climate change, which could have devastating consequences for the park's ecosystem. (Source: The Guardian)

  1. Nigeria's Oil Spills Continue to Devastate Communities (October 2018)

Nigeria's oil spills continued to devastate communities, with the country's oil industry responsible for an estimated 10 million barrels of oil spilled into the environment since 1976. (Source: The Guardian)

  1. Kenya's Lake Victoria Faces Pollution and Overfishing (November 2018)

Lake Victoria, which is a vital source of fish and water for millions of people, is facing pollution and overfishing, threatening the livelihoods of local communities. (Source: The East African)

  1. South Africa's Climate Change Adaptation Plan Launched (December 2018)

South Africa launched its Climate Change Adaptation Plan, which aims to help the country adapt to the impacts of climate change, including droughts, floods, and heatwaves. (Source: News24)

These articles highlight some of the environmental challenges facing Africa in 2018, including droughts, pollution, over-extraction of natural resources, and climate change.