Entertainment politics fashion news are what

You're looking for some popular categories of news! Here are the ones you mentioned:

  1. Entertainment: News about movies, TV shows, music, celebrities, and the entertainment industry.
  2. Politics: News about government, elections, political parties, and current events.
  3. Fashion: News about clothing, beauty, style, and trends in the fashion industry.

And here are a few more categories that are often included in news:

  1. Sports: News about various sports, teams, players, and championships.
  2. Business: News about companies, markets, finance, and economics.
  3. Technology: News about gadgets, software, apps, and innovations in the tech industry.
  4. Health: News about medical research, healthcare, wellness, and fitness.
  5. Travel: News about destinations, tourism, and travel industry trends.
  6. Food: News about food trends, recipes, restaurants, and the food industry.
  7. Science: News about scientific discoveries, research, and breakthroughs in various fields.

These categories often overlap, and news outlets may combine them in various ways to create different sections or topics.