Empress njamah demands apology media

It seems like there's been a recent development in the entertainment industry!

According to reports, Empress Njamah, a popular Nigerian actress, has demanded an apology from the media for what she claims is a false report about her. It's not clear what the report was about, but Empress Njamah has taken to social media to express her outrage and disappointment.

As a public figure, Empress Njamah is no stranger to the spotlight, and it's not uncommon for celebrities to face scrutiny and criticism from the media. However, it's understandable that she would want to clear her name and set the record straight if she feels that a false report has been made about her.

It'll be interesting to see how this situation unfolds and whether the media will respond to her demands. Do you think Empress Njamah has a valid reason to demand an apology, or do you think she's overreacting?