Police arrest shops selling condoms on valentine day he said they were selling it like sweets

It sounds like a rather... interesting situation!

So, it appears that on Valentine's Day, police arrested shops that were selling condoms, claiming that they were selling them like sweets. This raises a few questions:

  1. Were the shops actually selling condoms in a way that was misleading or deceptive to customers?
  2. Did the police have a legitimate reason for making these arrests, or was it just a misunderstanding?
  3. How did the police determine that the shops were selling condoms like sweets, and what evidence did they have to support this claim?

It's important to note that condoms are a legitimate form of contraception and a vital tool in preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies. It's crucial that people have access to them, especially during holidays like Valentine's Day when there may be an increased demand.

I'd love to know more about this story and what ultimately happened to the shops and the people involved.