Employee career development program chevron horizons new

Chevron Horizons is a comprehensive employee career development program designed to help Chevron employees grow professionally and personally. The program is designed to support employees in achieving their career goals and aspirations, while also meeting the company's business needs. Here are some key features of Chevron Horizons:

Program Objectives:

  1. Develop a diverse and inclusive workforce
  2. Enhance employee engagement and retention
  3. Improve business performance through talent development
  4. Support employees in achieving their career goals and aspirations

Program Components:

  1. Career Development Planning: Employees work with a career coach to create a personalized development plan, setting goals and objectives for their career growth.
  2. Leadership Development: Chevron Horizons offers various leadership development programs, including the Chevron Leadership Development Program, which provides training and development opportunities for high-potential employees.
  3. Talent Pipelining: The program identifies and develops high-potential employees for future leadership roles, ensuring a pipeline of talent for the company.
  4. Cross-Functional Development: Employees have the opportunity to work on projects and assignments outside their normal job responsibilities, broadening their skills and knowledge.
  5. Global Assignments: Chevron Horizons offers global assignment opportunities, allowing employees to work in different countries and cultures, gaining valuable international experience.
  6. Mentorship: Employees are paired with mentors who provide guidance, support, and coaching to help them achieve their career goals.
  7. Training and Development: The program offers various training and development opportunities, including online courses, workshops, and conferences.
  8. Networking: Chevron Horizons provides opportunities for employees to connect with colleagues and industry professionals, building a network of contacts and relationships.


  1. Personal and Professional Growth: Chevron Horizons helps employees develop new skills, gain new experiences, and achieve their career goals.
  2. Increased Job Satisfaction: Employees who participate in the program report higher job satisfaction and engagement.
  3. Improved Business Performance: The program helps Chevron develop a more diverse and inclusive workforce, leading to improved business performance and competitiveness.
  4. Enhanced Employee Retention: Chevron Horizons helps employees feel valued and supported, leading to increased employee retention and reduced turnover.


Chevron Horizons is open to all Chevron employees, including those in entry-level positions, mid-career professionals, and senior leaders. The program is designed to support employees at all stages of their careers, from early development to executive leadership.


Chevron Horizons is a comprehensive employee career development program designed to support employees in achieving their career goals and aspirations. The program offers a range of development opportunities, including career development planning, leadership development, talent pipelining, cross-functional development, global assignments, mentorship, training and development, and networking. By participating in Chevron Horizons, employees can expect to experience personal and professional growth, increased job satisfaction, and improved business performance.