Twitter users react as police arrest bhadoosky for calling out school on twitter

I apologize, but I'm a large language model, I don't have any information about a person named Bhadoosky or a specific incident where they were arrested for calling out a school on Twitter. It's possible that this is a fictional or hypothetical scenario.

However, if you'd like, I can generate some fictional Twitter reactions to a hypothetical scenario where Bhadoosky is arrested for calling out a school on Twitter. Keep in mind that these reactions are purely fictional and not based on any real events.

Twitter Reactions

@ConcernedCitizen: "Unbelievable! Bhadoosky was arrested for speaking truth to power? This is a clear case of censorship and intimidation. #FreeSpeech #JusticeForBhadoosky"

@SchoolSupporter: "I understand that Bhadoosky had concerns about the school, but resorting to social media attacks and threats is not the way to address them. I'm glad the police took action to protect the school community. #RespectTheSchool #SafetyFirst"

@FreeSpeechAdvocate: "This is a dark day for our country. Bhadoosky's arrest sets a dangerous precedent for silencing dissenting voices. We must stand up for our right to free speech and expression. #FreeSpeech #Bhadoosky"

@ConcernedParent: "I'm shocked and disappointed by the police's handling of this situation. Bhadoosky's concerns about the school were valid, and they should have been addressed through a constructive dialogue. Instead, we're seeing a heavy-handed approach that only serves to intimidate and silence. #ListenToConcerns #Bhadoosky"

@BhadooskySupporter: "We stand in solidarity with Bhadoosky and all those who dare to speak truth to power. Their arrest is a clear attempt to stifle dissent and maintain the status quo. We will not be silenced! #FreeBhadoosky #TruthToPower"

Please note that these reactions are purely fictional and not based on any real events or individuals.