Elric sheigo amapiano mix 08 july 2022 kabza de small shuga cane khaya greens zaba amapiano

It seems like you're sharing a playlist or a mix of Amapiano tracks, specifically from Elric Sheigo's mix on July 8th, 2022, featuring Kabza De Small, Shuga Cane, Khaya Greens, Zaba, and other Amapiano artists.

Here's a breakdown of the tracks you might be referring to:

  1. Elric Sheigo - Amapiano Mix (08 July 2022)
  2. Kabza De Small - (feat. Shuga Cane)
  3. Khaya Greens - (feat. Zaba)

Please note that the tracklist might not be exhaustive, as Amapiano mixes often feature a variety of tracks and artists. If you'd like to share more information or the full tracklist, I'd be happy to help you identify the songs and artists featured in the mix!