Amapiano mix by dj figo sunday chill24 november 2019

It seems like you're looking for a specific amapiano mix by DJ Figo, titled "Sunday Chill" from November 24th, 2019. I'd be happy to help you find it!

Here are a few options to get you the mix:

  1. Search online: You can try searching for the mix on popular music streaming platforms like YouTube, SoundCloud, or Mixcloud. Use the exact title "Sunday Chill" and the date "November 24th, 2019" along with DJ Figo's name to find the mix.
  2. DJ Figo's social media: You can try reaching out to DJ Figo on his social media platforms, such as Instagram or Facebook, and ask if he has uploaded the mix or knows where you can find it.
  3. Amapiano communities: Join online communities or forums dedicated to amapiano music and ask if anyone has a copy of the mix or knows where to find it.
  4. Music blogs or websites: Look for music blogs or websites that specialize in amapiano music and see if they have uploaded the mix or have a link to it.

If you're unable to find the mix, you can also try contacting DJ Figo directly or reaching out to other amapiano DJs or producers who might have a copy of the mix.

I hope these suggestions help you find the mix you're looking for!