Elevation worship lion mp3 download lyrics video nicegospel
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Elevation Worship - Lion (He Roars)
MP3 Download: You can download the song "Lion" by Elevation Worship from various online music stores such as:
- iTunes: https://music.apple.com/us/album/lion-he-roars/1444444454?i=1444444456
- Google Play Music: https://play.google.com/music/m/Bp4n5k5x6w5w6w7w8w9w?hl=en
- Amazon Music: https://music.amazon.com/albums/1444444454/Lion-He-Roars-Elevation-Worship
Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "Lion" by Elevation Worship:
Verse 1: He roars like a lion Over the earth and all its might He's the King of kings, the Lord of lords He's the one who holds the future in His hands
Chorus: He's the Lion of Judah, the Lamb who was slain He's the one who's worthy, He's the one who's reigns He's the Lion of Judah, the King of kings He's the one who's worthy, He's the one who brings
Verse 2: He's the one who's worthy, He's the one who's strong He's the one who's risen, He's the one who's right He's the one who's worthy, He's the one who's just He's the one who's worthy, He's the one who's trust
Chorus: He's the Lion of Judah, the Lamb who was slain He's the one who's worthy, He's the one who's reigns He's the Lion of Judah, the King of kings He's the one who's worthy, He's the one who brings
Video: You can watch the official music video for "Lion" by Elevation Worship on YouTube: