Elements of news pdf

Here are the elements of news, which are the essential components of a news story:

1. Headline: A concise and attention-grabbing title that summarizes the main point of the story.

2. Lead (or Lede): The opening sentence or paragraph of the story that sets the tone and provides the most important information.

3. Inverted Pyramid Structure: A structure where the most important information is presented first, followed by less important details, and finally the least important details.

4. Who: The people involved in the story, including the main characters, sources, and experts.

5. What: A clear and concise description of the event, issue, or situation being reported.

6. Where: The location or locations where the story takes place.

7. When: The date, time, or time period when the story occurred.

8. Why: The reasons or motivations behind the event or issue being reported.

9. How: The methods or actions taken by the people involved in the story.

10. Quotes: Direct quotes from people involved in the story, which provide additional context and insight.

11. Statistics: Numbers and data that provide additional context and support the story.

12. Background Information: Additional context and information that helps readers understand the story, including historical context, relevant facts, and previous events.

13. Analysis: An interpretation of the story, including expert opinions, analysis, and commentary.

14. Conclusion: A summary of the main points and a final thought or call to action.

15. Visuals: Images, videos, or other multimedia elements that help to illustrate the story and make it more engaging.

Here is a PDF that summarizes the elements of news:

Elements of News PDF

Note: This is just one example of a PDF that summarizes the elements of news. There are many other resources available online that provide similar information.