Elearning news release

Here's a sample eLearning news release:


[Company Name] Revolutionizes Corporate Training with Launch of Innovative eLearning Platform

[City, State] – [Company Name], a leading provider of corporate training solutions, today announced the launch of its cutting-edge eLearning platform, designed to transform the way companies train their employees.

The new platform, [Platform Name], offers a comprehensive suite of eLearning tools and resources that enable organizations to create customized, engaging, and effective training programs for their employees. With [Platform Name], companies can easily create, manage, and track their training programs, ensuring that their employees have the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.

"We are thrilled to introduce [Platform Name] to the market," said [Your Name], CEO of [Company Name]. "Our platform is designed to make corporate training more accessible, efficient, and effective. With [Platform Name], companies can now provide their employees with the training they need to excel, without the hassle and expense of traditional classroom-based training."

Key features of [Platform Name] include:

[Company Name] has already seen significant interest in [Platform Name] from companies across a range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and technology.

"We believe that [Platform Name] has the potential to revolutionize the way companies approach corporate training," said [Your Name]. "We are excited to work with companies to help them achieve their training goals and improve their bottom line."

For more information about [Company Name] and [Platform Name], please visit [Company Website].

About [Company Name] [Company Name] is a leading provider of corporate training solutions, dedicated to helping companies improve their training programs and achieve their business goals. With a team of experts in eLearning development and training delivery, [Company Name] offers a range of services, including course creation, training delivery, and platform development.

Contact: [Your Name] [Company Name] [Email] [Phone]

Note: This is just a sample, please make sure to customize it according to your company's needs and style. Also, proofread it multiple times for any grammar or spelling errors before sending it out.