Samsung sued for misleading water resistant phones adverts

Yes, Samsung has faced lawsuits and criticism for allegedly misleading consumers about the water resistance of its phones. Here are some details:

In 2019, Samsung faced a class-action lawsuit in the United States alleging that the company had misled consumers about the water resistance of its Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge phones. The lawsuit claimed that Samsung's advertising and marketing materials had falsely claimed that the phones were "water and dust resistant" and could withstand being submerged in water, when in reality, the phones were only designed to withstand accidental splashes and not prolonged exposure to water.

The lawsuit was filed by a consumer who claimed that his Galaxy S7 phone had been damaged after being exposed to water during a bath, despite Samsung's claims that the phone was water-resistant. The lawsuit sought damages and injunctive relief, including a court order requiring Samsung to stop making false claims about the water resistance of its phones.

In 2020, Samsung agreed to settle the lawsuit for $20 million. As part of the settlement, Samsung denied any wrongdoing but agreed to provide refunds and repairs to affected consumers.

In addition to the lawsuit, Samsung has also faced criticism from consumer advocacy groups and regulators over its water resistance claims. For example, in 2019, the European Commission launched an investigation into Samsung's marketing practices, including its claims about the water resistance of its phones.

Samsung has also faced criticism from consumers who have reported damage to their phones after exposure to water, despite the company's claims that the phones are water-resistant. In some cases, consumers have reported that their phones have been damaged or rendered unusable after being exposed to water, even if they were used in accordance with Samsung's guidelines.

It's worth noting that Samsung is not the only company to face criticism over its water resistance claims. Other smartphone manufacturers, including Apple and Google, have also faced similar criticism and lawsuits over their water resistance claims.

In response to the criticism and lawsuits, Samsung has taken steps to improve its water resistance claims and testing procedures. For example, the company has introduced new testing procedures to ensure that its phones can withstand exposure to water and other liquids. Samsung has also updated its marketing materials to provide more accurate information about the water resistance of its phones.

Overall, the controversy over Samsung's water resistance claims highlights the importance of accurate and transparent marketing practices in the technology industry. Consumers have a right to know what they can expect from their products, and companies have a responsibility to provide accurate information and to stand behind their claims.