El zakzaky latest news

El-Zakzaky is a controversial figure in Nigeria, and his latest news is often subject to varying reports and interpretations. Here are some recent updates:

Recent Developments:

  1. Court Ruling: On July 28, 2022, a Kaduna State High Court ruled that El-Zakzaky and his wife, Zeenat, should be released from custody after spending over 8 years in detention. The court ordered their release, but the Nigerian government has appealed the decision.
  2. Government Appeal: The Nigerian government has appealed the court's decision, citing national security concerns and the need to maintain public order. The appeal is currently pending before the Court of Appeal.
  3. Protests and Demonstrations: El-Zakzaky's supporters have been holding protests and demonstrations across Nigeria, demanding his release and calling for an end to what they see as government persecution.
  4. Health Concerns: El-Zakzaky has been suffering from various health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and eye problems. His supporters have raised concerns about his health and well-being in detention.
  5. International Intervention: Some international organizations, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), have called for El-Zakzaky's release and expressed concerns about his treatment in detention.


El-Zakzaky is the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), a Shia Muslim group. He was arrested in 2015 after a violent clash between his followers and the Nigerian army in Zaria, Kaduna State. The incident resulted in the deaths of over 300 IMN members and the destruction of their headquarters.

El-Zakzaky and his wife were subsequently charged with murder, culpable homicide, and other offenses. They have been in detention since then, with their trial ongoing.

Reactions and Controversies:

The El-Zakzaky case has sparked controversy and debate in Nigeria, with some calling for his release and others arguing that he should remain in detention due to national security concerns.

Some critics have accused the Nigerian government of using El-Zakzaky's detention as a means of suppressing the IMN and its followers, while others have argued that the government has a duty to protect the country from what they see as a threat posed by the group.

The case has also raised concerns about human rights and the treatment of prisoners in Nigeria, with some calling for greater transparency and accountability in the handling of El-Zakzaky's case.


Please note that the information provided is based on publicly available sources and may not reflect the full complexity of the situation.