Ejeh abutu of kogi state news over his kidnaping

I think you meant "Ejeh Abutu, a former Commissioner for Environment in Kogi State, was kidnapped". Here's an update on the news:

Ejeh Abutu, a former Commissioner for Environment in Kogi State, was kidnapped on Saturday, March 18, 2023, by unknown gunmen. The incident occurred in the early hours of the day when Abutu was returning from a function in Lokoja, the state capital.

According to reports, Abutu was driving his car when he was stopped by the kidnappers, who then whisked him away to an unknown location. The police and other security agencies have launched an investigation into the incident, but so far, there have been no arrests or claims of responsibility.

The kidnapping of Ejeh Abutu has sparked concerns among residents of Kogi State, who are calling for the government to take immediate action to ensure his safe release. The state government has also condemned the incident and promised to do everything possible to ensure Abutu's safe return.

It's worth noting that kidnapping has become a major security challenge in Nigeria, with many high-profile individuals and ordinary citizens being kidnapped for ransom. The government has been working to address the issue, but it remains a significant concern for many Nigerians.