Boston to new jersey by road

A road trip from Boston to New Jersey! Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the journey:

Distance and Time: The driving distance from Boston, MA to New Jersey is approximately 240 miles (386 km), and the journey typically takes around 4-5 hours depending on traffic and the route you take.

Route Options: There are a few ways to get to New Jersey from Boston, but here are the most common routes:

  1. I-95 South: Take I-95 South from Boston, which will take you directly to New Jersey. This route is the most direct, but it can be prone to traffic congestion, especially during rush hour.
  2. I-84 West and I-78 West: Take I-84 West from Boston, then merge onto I-78 West, which will take you to New Jersey. This route is a bit longer, but it can be a good alternative if you want to avoid traffic on I-95.
  3. US-1 South: Take US-1 South from Boston, which will take you to New Jersey. This route is a bit slower and more scenic, but it can be a good option if you want to avoid highways.

Tolls: Be prepared for tolls along the way! Here are the estimated tolls for each route:

Rest Stops and Food: There are plenty of rest stops and restaurants along the way. Here are a few recommendations:

Tips and Tricks:

I hope this helps you plan your road trip from Boston to New Jersey!