Eish wena snake stuck in womans ear viral video

You're referring to the viral video of a snake stuck in a woman's ear!

The video, which has been viewed millions of times, shows a woman in South Africa who had a rather unusual problem - a snake had gotten stuck in her ear canal. The incident occurred in 2019 and was captured on video by a bystander.

According to reports, the woman, who was not identified, was at a market in the town of Eshowe when she felt something moving in her ear. She tried to remove the object, but it was stuck. A crowd gathered around her, and a local snake catcher was called to the scene.

The snake catcher, who was identified as Thembi Mthembu, carefully examined the woman's ear and eventually managed to remove the snake using a pair of tweezers. The snake, which was later identified as a non-venomous African rock python, was about 30 centimeters (12 inches) long.

The incident was widely reported in the media and quickly went viral on social media, with many people expressing shock and amazement at the unusual situation. The woman was reportedly shaken but otherwise unharmed.

It's worth noting that this is not the first time a snake has gotten stuck in someone's ear. There have been several similar incidents reported over the years, often involving non-venomous snakes that have slithered into people's ears while they were sleeping or relaxing outdoors.