Download nollywood movie new money

I'd be happy to help you with that!

"New Money" is a 2018 Nigerian romantic comedy film directed by Niyi Akinmolayan. The movie stars Falz, Adesua Etomi, and Dakore Egbuson-Akande.

To download the movie, you can follow these steps:

Option 1: Streaming

  1. Go to a streaming platform like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or iRokoTV.
  2. Search for "New Money" in the search bar.
  3. If the movie is available on the platform, you can stream it for free with a subscription or rent/buy it.

Option 2: Download from a file-sharing website

  1. Go to a file-sharing website like 9xmovies, Fzmovies, or Naijaplay.
  2. Search for "New Money" in the search bar.
  3. Click on the movie title to open the download page.
  4. Choose the quality and format you prefer (e.g., MP4, 3GP, etc.).
  5. Click the "Download" button to start the download process.

Option 3: Purchase or rent from an online store

  1. Go to an online store like iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon Video.
  2. Search for "New Money" in the search bar.
  3. Click on the movie title to open the purchase/rent page.
  4. Choose the format and quality you prefer.
  5. Click the "Buy" or "Rent" button to complete the transaction.

Please note that downloading movies from file-sharing websites may be illegal in your country, and it's always recommended to use official streaming platforms or purchase/rent from online stores to support the creators and avoid any legal issues.

Enjoy the movie!