Eish wena monkey wears hat enjoys drinking milkshake viral video

I think you may be referring to a popular internet meme!

The "Eish wena" phrase is a catchphrase that has been used in a viral video featuring a monkey wearing a hat and enjoying a milkshake. The video shows the monkey happily sipping on a milkshake while wearing a hat, and the phrase "Eish wena" is repeated throughout the video.

"Eish wena" is a South African phrase that roughly translates to "Oh my goodness" or "Wow", and it's often used to express surprise or excitement. In this context, the phrase is being used to add humor and emphasis to the monkey's antics.

The video has become a viral sensation, with many people sharing and laughing at the monkey's adorable behavior. It's a great example of how a simple video can bring joy and entertainment to people all over the world!