Arsenal star expects aubameyang to stay

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According to reports, Arsenal midfielder Granit Xhaka has expressed his confidence that Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang will remain at the club beyond the current transfer window. Xhaka, who has played alongside Aubameyang for several seasons, believes that the Gabonese striker is committed to the team and will not leave.

In an interview with German newspaper BILD, Xhaka said: "I'm convinced that Aubameyang will stay at Arsenal. He's a top player and a great guy. I think he's happy here and will continue to play for us."

Aubameyang has been linked with several top clubs, including Barcelona and Paris Saint-Germain, but Xhaka's comments suggest that the striker is committed to Arsenal and will not be leaving anytime soon.

It's worth noting that Aubameyang's contract with Arsenal expires in 2023, and the club will likely need to negotiate a new deal or risk losing him on a free transfer. However, Xhaka's words of encouragement may help to ease any concerns among Arsenal fans and management.