Efcc news on 3years in prison or pay 1.5m

You're referring to the recent news about the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) in Nigeria.

According to reports, the EFCC has been dealing with a case involving a former Managing Director of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Andrew Yakubu, who was accused of money laundering and other financial crimes.

As part of the settlement, Yakubu was given an option to either serve a 3-year prison sentence or pay a fine of N1.5 billion (approximately $4 million USD).

The EFCC had initially charged Yakubu with 17 counts of money laundering and other financial crimes, but he pleaded guilty to 8 counts and was subsequently sentenced.

It's worth noting that the EFCC has been actively pursuing cases against high-profile individuals accused of financial crimes in Nigeria, and this case is just one example of the agency's efforts to combat corruption and financial malfeasance.

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