Education news in nigeria 2018

Here are some significant education news in Nigeria for 2018:

  1. Introduction of New Curriculum: The Federal Ministry of Education introduced a new curriculum for primary and secondary schools in Nigeria, aimed at improving the quality of education and making it more relevant to the needs of the 21st century.
  2. Increase in Education Budget: The Nigerian government increased its education budget from N473 billion in 2017 to N605 billion in 2018, a 27% increase, to improve the quality of education and address infrastructure challenges in schools.
  3. Establishment of Federal Science and Technology Colleges: The Federal Government established 12 new Federal Science and Technology Colleges across the country to provide quality education in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects.
  4. Introduction of e-Learning Platform: The National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) launched an e-learning platform to provide online courses and degree programs to students across the country.
  5. Teacher Training and Capacity Building: The government launched a teacher training and capacity building program to improve the skills and competencies of teachers in public schools.
  6. Establishment of Education Trust Fund: The Federal Government established an Education Trust Fund to provide funding for education projects and initiatives across the country.
  7. Introduction of School Feeding Program: The government launched a school feeding program to provide meals for primary school pupils and improve their nutrition and health.
  8. Establishment of National Commission for Colleges of Education: The Federal Government established a National Commission for Colleges of Education to regulate and oversee the activities of colleges of education in the country.
  9. Introduction of Entrepreneurship Education: The government introduced entrepreneurship education into the curriculum of secondary schools to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment among Nigerian youth.
  10. Establishment of Education Research and Development Council: The Federal Government established an Education Research and Development Council to promote research and development in education and improve the quality of education in Nigeria.
  11. Introduction of Digital Literacy: The government introduced digital literacy into the curriculum of primary and secondary schools to equip students with digital skills and prepare them for the digital age.
  12. Establishment of National Teachers' Institute: The Federal Government established a National Teachers' Institute to provide training and capacity building for teachers in Nigeria.
  13. Introduction of Vocational and Technical Education: The government introduced vocational and technical education into the curriculum of secondary schools to equip students with practical skills and prepare them for the job market.
  14. Establishment of Education and Research Institute: The Federal Government established an Education and Research Institute to promote research and development in education and improve the quality of education in Nigeria.
  15. Introduction of Online Education: The government introduced online education to provide access to education for students in remote and underserved areas of the country.

These are some of the significant education news in Nigeria for 2018. The year saw several initiatives aimed at improving the quality of education, increasing access to education, and promoting entrepreneurship and digital literacy among Nigerian youth.