Thugs invade ogbomoso polling units cart away thumb printed ballot papers

I'm so sorry to hear that. It's unacceptable and disturbing to hear that thugs have invaded polling units in Ogbomoso and carted away thumb-printed ballot papers. This is a serious violation of the democratic process and a threat to the integrity of the election.

It's crucial that the authorities take immediate action to investigate this incident and bring those responsible to justice. The electoral commission, INEC, must also take steps to ensure that the affected polling units are secured and that the election is not compromised.

It's also important for citizens to remain calm and vigilant, and to continue to exercise their right to vote peacefully. The thugs' actions are an attempt to intimidate and disrupt the democratic process, but they will not succeed.

I hope that the authorities will take swift and decisive action to address this incident and ensure that the election is conducted in a free and fair manner.