Edit source code wordpress page new editor

The new WordPress editor!

The new editor, also known as Gutenberg, is a major overhaul of the classic WordPress editor. It's designed to be more intuitive, flexible, and powerful. Here's a brief guide on how to edit a WordPress page using the new editor:

Accessing the new editor

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Click on the "Pages" or "Posts" tab, depending on the type of content you want to edit.
  3. Click on the page or post you want to edit.
  4. Click on the "Edit" button.

Understanding the new editor interface

The new editor is divided into several sections:

  1. Block Editor: This is the main editing area where you can add and arrange content blocks.
  2. Sidebar: This is where you'll find the formatting options, block settings, and other tools.
  3. Block Library: This is where you can browse and add pre-built blocks to your content.

Basic editing tasks

  1. Adding content: Click on the "+" icon in the Block Editor to add a new block. You can choose from various block types, such as text, image, video, and more.
  2. Formatting: Use the formatting options in the sidebar to change the font, size, color, and alignment of your text.
  3. Moving blocks: Drag and drop blocks to reorder them or move them to a different location.
  4. Deleting blocks: Click on the three dots at the top right corner of a block and select "Delete" to remove it.

Advanced editing tasks

  1. Customizing block settings: Click on the three dots at the top right corner of a block and select "Block Settings" to customize its appearance and behavior.
  2. Adding custom CSS: Use the "Custom CSS" option in the block settings to add custom CSS styles to your block.
  3. Using shortcodes: The new editor supports shortcodes, which allow you to add custom functionality to your content. You can add shortcodes by clicking on the "+" icon and selecting "Shortcode" from the block library.
  4. Using widgets: The new editor also supports widgets, which are small blocks of content that can be added to your page or post. You can add widgets by clicking on the "+" icon and selecting "Widget" from the block library.

Tips and tricks

  1. Use the block library: The block library is a great resource for finding pre-built blocks and templates to help you get started.
  2. Experiment with different block types: The new editor offers a wide range of block types, so don't be afraid to experiment and find the ones that work best for your content.
  3. Use the formatting options: The formatting options in the sidebar can help you create visually appealing content quickly and easily.
  4. Take advantage of the undo and redo features: The new editor has a robust undo and redo system, so don't worry if you make a mistake – you can easily revert back to a previous version of your content.

I hope this helps you get started with the new WordPress editor!