Ebsu lastest new

You're looking for the latest news from EBSU (Enugu State University of Science and Technology). Here are some recent updates:


  1. New Academic Programmes: EBSU has introduced new academic programmes in the Faculty of Engineering, including Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering.
  2. Research Grants: The university has received research grants from the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) to support research projects in areas such as renewable energy, biotechnology, and environmental science.

Campus Life

  1. Student Union Election: The EBSU Student Union has conducted its annual election, with a new set of executives sworn in to serve the students for the next academic year.
  2. Sports Competition: The university has participated in various sports competitions, including the National University Games, where it won several medals in events such as football, basketball, and table tennis.

Infrastructure Development

  1. New Hostel Blocks: EBSU has completed the construction of new hostel blocks to accommodate more students, with a total capacity of 1,000 beds.
  2. Renovation of Existing Facilities: The university has embarked on the renovation of existing facilities, including the library, lecture halls, and administrative buildings.

Community Engagement

  1. Community Outreach Programme: EBSU has launched a community outreach programme to engage with local communities and promote the university's research and innovation activities.
  2. Collaboration with Industry: The university has collaborated with local industries to provide internship opportunities for students and to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in the region.

These are just a few of the latest news updates from EBSU. If you're looking for more information, I can try to help you find it!