Download new songs by 6lock

6LACK is an American singer, songwriter, and rapper! He's known for his smooth, soulful voice and introspective lyrics. Here are some ways you can download his new songs:

Official Music Platforms:

  1. Apple Music: You can search for 6LACK on Apple Music and download his latest songs, including his latest album "6PC" (2020).
  2. Spotify: 6LACK's music is available on Spotify. You can search for him and download his songs, including his latest releases.
  3. Google Play Music: You can find 6LACK's music on Google Play Music and download his songs.
  4. Amazon Music: 6LACK's music is available on Amazon Music, and you can download his songs.

Other Options:

  1. SoundCloud: You can search for 6LACK on SoundCloud and download his songs, including some of his earlier releases.
  2. YouTube Music: You can find 6LACK's music on YouTube Music and download his songs.
  3. Tidal: 6LACK's music is available on Tidal, and you can download his songs.

Note: Make sure to only download music from official sources or authorized platforms to ensure you're getting high-quality audio and supporting the artist.