Early years new session teacher supply

Congratulations on your new role as an Early Years teacher! Here are some tips and resources to help you prepare for your new session:

Teacher Supply Checklist:

  1. Pencils and pens: A set of pencils, pens, and highlighters for marking and recording observations.
  2. Markers and crayons: A set of washable markers and crayons for art activities.
  3. Glue and scissors: A bottle of glue and a pair of scissors for craft activities.
  4. Playdough and play equipment: A set of playdough and play equipment like blocks, puzzles, and shape sorters.
  5. Books and reading materials: A selection of children's books and reading materials for storytime and literacy activities.
  6. Music and movement equipment: A set of music instruments, such as maracas, tambourines, and a CD player, and movement equipment like balance beams and balls.
  7. Sensory materials: A selection of sensory materials like play sand, rice, beans, and sensory balls.
  8. First aid kit: A basic first aid kit with band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers.
  9. Cleaning supplies: A set of cleaning supplies like disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, and a vacuum cleaner.
  10. Technology equipment: A tablet or laptop for educational apps and online resources.

Additional Tips:

  1. Get to know your students: Take the time to get to know each child's name, interests, and abilities.
  2. Establish routines: Establish consistent routines for daily activities like circle time, snack time, and outdoor play.
  3. Create a welcoming environment: Create a welcoming and inclusive environment by displaying children's artwork and using positive language.
  4. Communicate with parents: Communicate regularly with parents through newsletters, parent-teacher conferences, and daily reports.
  5. Stay organized: Stay organized by using a planner or app to keep track of lesson plans, schedules, and reminders.
  6. Seek support: Don't be afraid to seek support from colleagues, mentors, or online resources when you need it.

Online Resources:

  1. Teach Early Years: A website with a range of resources and lesson plans for Early Years teachers.
  2. Early Years Foundation Stage: A website with guidance and resources for implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum.
  3. Nursery World: A website with news, articles, and resources for Early Years professionals.
  4. The Early Years Teacher: A website with lesson plans, activities, and resources for Early Years teachers.
  5. Pinterest: A visual discovery and planning website with a range of Early Years resources and ideas.

Remember, the key to a successful first session is to be prepared, flexible, and open to new ideas and challenges. Good luck!