E visa news

Here are some recent updates and news related to e-visas:

New E-Visa Launches:

  1. India: India has launched an e-visa facility for citizens of 166 countries, allowing them to apply for a visa online and receive it within 72 hours.
  2. South Africa: South Africa has introduced an e-visa system for tourists and business travelers, allowing them to apply online and receive a visa within 24 hours.
  3. Thailand: Thailand has launched an e-visa system for citizens of 18 countries, including the US, UK, and Australia, allowing them to apply online and receive a visa within 24 hours.

E-Visa Updates:

  1. China: China has extended its e-visa program to include more countries, including the US, UK, and Canada.
  2. Russia: Russia has introduced an e-visa system for citizens of 53 countries, including the US, UK, and Australia, allowing them to apply online and receive a visa within 4 days.
  3. Turkey: Turkey has extended its e-visa program to include more countries, including the US, UK, and Canada.

E-Visa Requirements:

  1. Biometric Data: Many countries now require biometric data, such as fingerprints, as part of the e-visa application process.
  2. Digital Passport: Some countries require applicants to upload a digital copy of their passport as part of the e-visa application process.
  3. Travel Insurance: Some countries require applicants to purchase travel insurance as part of the e-visa application process.

E-Visa Fees:

  1. India: The e-visa fee for India is currently $100 for a 60-day visa.
  2. South Africa: The e-visa fee for South Africa is currently R1,500 (approximately $100 USD) for a 30-day visa.
  3. Thailand: The e-visa fee for Thailand is currently 2,000 THB (approximately $65 USD) for a 60-day visa.

E-Visa Processing Times:

  1. India: The processing time for an Indian e-visa is typically 72 hours, but can take up to 5 days in peak season.
  2. South Africa: The processing time for a South African e-visa is typically 24 hours, but can take up to 3 days in peak season.
  3. Thailand: The processing time for a Thai e-visa is typically 24 hours, but can take up to 3 days in peak season.

Please note that e-visa requirements and fees are subject to change, and it's always best to check with the relevant government website or a reputable travel agency for the most up-to-date information.