Dunamis new open doors sticker

The "Dunamis New Open Doors" sticker!

For those who may not know, "Dunamis" is a Greek word that means "power" or "ability". In the context of the sticker, it's likely referring to the idea that God's power is opening new doors of opportunity and possibility in one's life.

The sticker might be encouraging the wearer to:

  1. Trust in God's power to guide and direct them.
  2. Be open to new experiences and opportunities.
  3. Have faith that God is working behind the scenes to bring about positive change.
  4. Embrace the idea that every closed door is an opportunity for a new one to open.

The sticker could be placed on a laptop, water bottle, journal, or any other item that the wearer wants to remind themselves of God's power and provision.

What do you think the sticker means to you?