Due diligence report for new telecoms network

Due Diligence Report for New Telecoms Network

Executive Summary

This due diligence report provides an independent assessment of the new telecoms network project, highlighting key risks, opportunities, and recommendations for stakeholders. The report covers the network's technical, financial, and operational aspects, as well as its compliance with regulatory requirements.

Technical Due Diligence

  1. Network Architecture: The network architecture is designed to provide a scalable and reliable infrastructure for voice, data, and video services. However, there are concerns about the lack of redundancy in the core network, which may impact service availability.
  2. Network Equipment: The report highlights the use of outdated and refurbished equipment, which may pose security risks and impact network performance.
  3. Network Security: The network security measures are inadequate, with no encryption in place for data transmission and no regular security audits.
  4. Interconnection and Peering: The network's interconnection and peering agreements with other telecoms operators are unclear, which may impact service quality and availability.

Financial Due Diligence

  1. Cost Estimates: The estimated costs for the network deployment are higher than initially anticipated, with potential overruns of up to 20%.
  2. Revenue Projections: The revenue projections are based on optimistic assumptions, with no clear plan for customer acquisition and retention.
  3. Funding: The project relies heavily on debt financing, which may impact the company's financial stability.

Operational Due Diligence

  1. Project Management: The project management team lacks experience in deploying large-scale telecoms networks, which may impact the project's timeline and budget.
  2. Supply Chain Management: The supply chain management process is inadequate, with no clear plan for managing inventory and logistics.
  3. Customer Service: The customer service strategy is unclear, with no plan for handling customer complaints and issues.

Regulatory Due Diligence

  1. Licenses and Permits: The company has not obtained all necessary licenses and permits for the network deployment, which may impact its ability to operate.
  2. Compliance: The company is not compliant with relevant regulatory requirements, including data protection and consumer protection laws.


  1. Network Architecture: Implement a redundant core network architecture to ensure service availability.
  2. Network Equipment: Replace outdated and refurbished equipment with new, secure devices.
  3. Network Security: Implement encryption for data transmission and conduct regular security audits.
  4. Interconnection and Peering: Clarify interconnection and peering agreements with other telecoms operators.
  5. Financial Planning: Review and revise revenue projections and cost estimates to ensure a more realistic financial plan.
  6. Funding: Explore alternative funding options to reduce reliance on debt financing.
  7. Project Management: Hire experienced project managers to oversee the network deployment.
  8. Supply Chain Management: Implement a robust supply chain management process to manage inventory and logistics.
  9. Customer Service: Develop a clear customer service strategy, including plans for handling customer complaints and issues.
  10. Regulatory Compliance: Obtain all necessary licenses and permits and ensure compliance with relevant regulatory requirements.


The new telecoms network project presents several risks and challenges, including technical, financial, and operational issues. To mitigate these risks, we recommend implementing a redundant core network architecture, replacing outdated equipment, and improving network security. Additionally, we suggest reviewing and revising financial projections, exploring alternative funding options, and developing a clear customer service strategy. Finally, we recommend ensuring regulatory compliance and obtaining all necessary licenses and permits.