Fg waives 10 payment on housing mortgages below n5m #

It seems like you're referring to a news article or announcement about the Federal Government (FG) waiving 10% payment on housing mortgages below N5 million.

To provide more context and clarity, here's a possible interpretation:

The Federal Government has announced a new initiative to stimulate the housing market and encourage homeownership. As part of this initiative, the government is waiving 10% of the payment on housing mortgages with a value of N5 million or less.

This means that homeowners who have taken out a mortgage to purchase a house worth N5 million or less will not have to pay 10% of their monthly mortgage payment. This could be a significant relief for many individuals and families who are struggling to make ends meet.

It's worth noting that this waiver may have certain conditions or eligibility requirements, such as the borrower's income level, credit score, or other factors. Additionally, the waiver may only apply to new mortgages or refinanced mortgages, and not to existing mortgages.

If you're interested in learning more about this initiative or determining your eligibility, I recommend reaching out to a financial advisor or a reputable mortgage lender for more information.